Federturismo Confindustria, the Italian Federation for Travel and Tourism, serves as a representative body for companies operating across various segments of the tourism industry in Italy.
It belongs to the Confindustria system and currently includes 23 sector associations, 5 company members (directly associated) and several local associations.

Members include all the major players in the market and in some case 100% of the companies in the business areas.
Core Members are:
- Hotels (all major players)
- Villages and resorts (all major players)
- Campings outdoors
- Tour operator and travel agents (all major players)
- Managing group of the 2 airports of Milano providing all services and related activities.
- Thermal resorts (100% of the business)
- Convention centers
- Transportation and car rentals (all major players)
- Sailing (all major players)
- Marinas
- Beach resorts
- Amusement and theme parks (all major players)
- Travel retail and duty-free enterprises
- Ski lift operators (100% of the business)
- Entertainment
- Airline Catering

By representing companies and their values at institutions of all levels, Federturismo aims at contributing to the country’s economic growth with the tourism business, and since its foundation it is a benchmark for a main part of Italian tourist economic system and from this standpoint guarantees diversified and modern services to its members.
As a federation it supports recent policy developments of a long-term tourism strategy that places economic, competitiveness and sustainability issues at the heart of Italian tourism policy. Moreover the federation aims to a more internationalized Italian tourism industry and to an integrated and coordinated promotion of Italy as a tourist destination.
Beyond due to its experience in the field of research, analysis and the diffusion at national level concerning relevant data it is able to join work demand and work offer, and it officially represents the tourism industry in labour relations.

Main tasks, to sum up, are:
- To represent tourism industry interests in economic policy and labour relations
- To provide information regarding tourism policy and legislation
- To represent members within and outside the Confindustria system
- To promote entrepreneurial values and sustainable tourism
- To provide information and communication about initiatives and activities of interest to members
- To promote training opportunities to further business culture and quality
- To develop and promote relations with similar organizations in other countries and provides assistance to members participating in international events
- To conduct research, analysis and debates about tourism supply and demand, and tourism legislation at national and European levels
Thanks of its institutional nature, the federation has relations with both national and international tourism institutions. It benefits of a privileged observatory about the whole sector of tourist SMEs at national and international level and it plays a crucial role in the tourism business area reaching target audience and assuring that the different issues could deliver relevant impact at national level and, for its international networks it is part of, it will assure an impact at European level as well.

Federturismo is involved in European Union and national funded projects and it uses its expertise concerning information to enterprises.
Among the main projects funded by the EU in which Federturismo is or has been involved as project leader or partner, we point out:
For further information about the EU Funded Projects you can write and email to: [email protected]