Dg Grow Starting date Nov.2016 End date April 2018 The European Tourism Careers initiative has been developed thanks to “IDEATE”, a EU-funded project that allows the uptake of high quality jobs, as well as apprenticeships and traineeships positions. Given the huge impact of tourism on the European economy, the EU supports the promotion of high-quality… Continua a leggere IdEATE

The Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance

Sector Skills Alliances Blueprint projects 2017 Erasmus Plus, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practice – Sector Skills Alliances; Coordinator Starting date: 1 January 2018; End date: 31 December 2021, extended to 30 June 2022 Rapidly changing digital technology and destination impacts of tourism are leading to influences which are causing significant… Continua a leggere The Next Tourism Generation (NTG) Alliance

The RURALTOUR: A training programme for sustainable tourism

National Erasmus+ Agency (Turkey) KA2 STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS Starting date: 31/12/2020-End date  30/12/2022 The main goal of the RURALTOUR project has been to contribute to the sustainable rural tourism targets at the European level by developing the skills of business owners, managers, employees, VET students and potential entrepreneurs in the rural tourism sector through an innovative… Continua a leggere The RURALTOUR: A training programme for sustainable tourism

WeSkill: Wellness and Spa Tourism Sectoral Skills’ Development

Erasmus Plus, KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices – Sector Skills Alliances Starting date: 1 November 2020; End date: 31 October 2023, extended to April 2024 The project’s main objective is to be designed transnational curricula and respective training content in wellness and spa tourism sector. There will be developed 5… Continua a leggere WeSkill: Wellness and Spa Tourism Sectoral Skills’ Development


Capacity building and peer-learning transnational supporting scheme towards smart, innovative and sustainable tourism. EISMEA European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency Starting date: 1 January 2022; End date: 31 January 2024 The Tourism4.0 project aims at developing a capacity building, technology transfer, support and assistance programme to enable tourism sector SMEs to adopt and leverage… Continua a leggere Tourism4.0

Pantour – Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills

ERASMUS + Starting date: 1 June 2022 – End date: 1 June 2026 The Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills (PANTOUR) is a consortium that seeks to boost innovation through cooperation to develop activities, strengthen partnerships and produce resources to implement the Blueprint for Sectoral Skills Development in Tourism in Europe. PANTOUR is composed by… Continua a leggere Pantour – Pact for Next Tourism Generation Skills